The Head Lice Struggle: Frequently Asked Questions

March 27, 2018

The Head Lice Struggle: Frequently Asked Questions

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The Head Lice Struggle: Frequently Asked Questions

March 27, 2018

While head lice may be quite the common occurrence amongst young children, there are still many individuals out there who don’t know the first thing about these blood-sucking parasites.

Having all the information on head lice can be crucial in not only helping you get the right treatment for an infestation, but also aid in alleviating the significant social stigma that surrounds the idea.

Due to a lack of knowledge on the subject, many people have the wrong perception about these parasites. Sure, the idea of tiny insects living in your hair is truly disgusting, but how much do you really know about head lice?

Here are some much-needed answers to a few commonly asked questions about head lice!

Who is at risk for getting a head lice infestation?

The demographic that is most at-risk for head lice infestations are children between the age of 3 to 11 years old, as well as older kids of school-going age.

Given the contagious nature of head lice, and the fact that young children indulge in activities in school that brings them into close contact with each other, the frequency of head lice infestations is quite high.

How can head lice be identified?

Head lice comprise of nits, nymphs, and adult lice. The nits are the eggs, and are laid on the base of the hair shaft that is close to the scalp. They are quite miniscule, oval-shaped, and may be yellow or white in color. The nymph hatches from the nit, and is a smaller version of an adult louse.

To identify a fully grown head louse, you must be aware of the fact that they are about the size of a sesame seed, have six legs, and can vary in color from brown to gray.

What are the symptoms of an infestation?

There a few common symptoms of a head lice infestation, which you tend to notice in the later stages:

■ Itchy scalp

■ Difficulty sleeping

■ Feeling of something moving around in hair

Of course, an infestation must be diagnosed by identifying head lice presence before jumping to conclusions.

Are head lice dangerous?

While head lice are indeed quite the unpleasant inconvenience, they present no threats to your health. They do not spread disease, and are certainly not the result of poor personal hygiene. They can happen to anyone, and if left untreated, skin infections due to excessive itching may occur.

sketch of a lice

If you’re in search of the right lice treatment option for you or your child, then turn to no other than Lice Busters USA!

Offering our lice removal services in Miami Beach, Key Biscayne, and other regions of Florida, we work to provide our clients with a family friendly atmosphere and effective and efficient treatment for their lice problems.

We also offer discreet in-home head lice treatment, which means we come to you. Whether you just don’t have time or would rather avoid embarrassing encounters out in public, we’ve got you covered.

Give us a call at 800-405-4201 to book your appointment at your convenience!

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