Lice’s Dirty Secrets

October 30, 2017

Lice’s Dirty Secrets


Lice’s Dirty Secrets

October 30, 2017

The very mention of the word lice can make people wriggle and itch. For parents, it can prove to be the worst nightmare.

So, what is it about lice that make them so creepy and cringe worthy? Why do we want nothing to do with them, even though we have stayed together for thousands of years?

A Bit about Head Louse

Head louse or Pediculus Humanus Capitis is a wingless creature that lives on human scalp and feeds on human blood. What makes them so special (and dangerous) is that they can only survive on human head.

Let’s delve deeper inside lice’s dirty little secrets:

  • They Have Evolved, Just Like Humans

Lice have been with us since we parted ways with our evolutionary ancestors. Not only have lice adapted to live on human beings, they have evolved to have genetic resistance for over-the-counter products that we have used against them.

In a recent study, it was found that around 98 percent of lice evolved to have this mutated gene. This mutated species of head lice is not vulnerable to pyrethrins and pyrethroids – the types of insecticides that were primarily used in lice treatment products.

  • Lice Cannot Live Without You

As mentioned above, lice can only feed on human blood. If they are deprived of that, they will not be able to survive more than one day. We can’t decide whether it is romantic or disturbing!

  • Head Lice Do Not Have the Ability to Fly

One of the major weaknesses of head lice is that they cannot fly, or even jump. This means that for them to spread, they would require head-to-head contact.

Since children are more likely to have head-to-head contact, head lice infestation is quite common in them. Avoiding head-to-head contact is a major prevention technique.

  • Lice Do Not Make You Sick

Well, this one’s not as dirty. Head lice do not harm us. Apart from scratching, they do not cause any serious life disruptions. They do not lead to any health issues and do not spread diseases.

  • Lice Nits Have Been Around 6-10 Weeks Before You Spot Lice


A female louse has the ability to lay up to 5 eggs every day. These eggs hatch after a week of this and start laying eggs of their own. This is the reason taking timely action is so important when it comes to head lice infestation.

Looking for lice removal Miami service? We at Lice Busters offer efficient in-home lice removal treatment in an pesticide free, non-toxic way.

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