Tracing Back Lice Through Time

October 30, 2017

Tracing Back Lice Through Time

Tracing Back Lice Through Time

Tracing Back Lice Through Time

October 30, 2017

Head lice are quite the prevalent affliction in modern times, but have we ever stopped to think whether they’ve been with us all this time? Have they been crawling around on heads since the dawn of existence, or did they get their debut in the world at a later date?

The head louse, that is to say, pediculus humanus capitis, which feeds off the human scalp, can be traced back to up to 10,000 years ago.

Traces Through History

The oldest head lice was found in northeast Brazil, where a nit was found attached to human hair at an archeological site that dated back 10,000 years.

Evidence of lice is also present in ancient Egypt, where mummified corpses have been found with head lice remedies included in the array of artifacts. The Middle Ages had a definitive lice problem as well, with everyone from serfs to royals having to deal with the pesky critters.

Picture this—two 1000 year old Peruvian mummies with a head full of head lice, which dates back these parasites to 1025 in Peru.

In terms of the United States, the earliest head lice related artifacts found date back to the 19th century.

Even the World War couldn’t escape head lice—WWII trenches became a hotspot for head lice infestations. This was not much of an issue, as they had bigger fish to fry, and also used strong, toxic pesticides to take care of the problem.

With lice having been around for quite a long while, the battle between humans and head lice has been consistent. Lice treatments spanning the ages have been created, emulated, and used to try and keep these pesky parasites at bay.

Lice removal has certainly advanced over the years, with many chemical over the counter treatments available to us.

However, with the resistance of lice to these treatments and the potential for harmful side effects, sometimes it pays off to play it old school.

The only lice removal technique that will be effective is to manually comb out the lice! This requires skill and expertise at a professional level, for which reason our lice clinics offer up this convenient service.

At Lice Busters USA, we take care of all your head lice treatment needs in a safe and efficient manner.

Call us at (800) 405-8201 to book your appointment and you can be lice-free in no time at all!


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